Social Media. Don’t like it? Don’t look.
Social Media. Don’t like it? Don’t look. © Khalilah Yasmin Q: “Why do you take so many photos of yourself?” A: “Better question. Why do you care?” The internet can be a fun, social place. Social media with all of it’s varied platforms makes keeping up with friends, current events, and colleagues; often times […]
Smoke Filled Room- with audio
“Smoke Filled Room” Copyright 2016 Khalilah Yasmin I never asked for much, a genuine friendship was enough, But my feelings never mattered because, “I don’t do that stuff.” I chose to be a loyal friend without making you earn it. In turn you never appreciated it, you lit and you burned it. An opportunist in […]
As an independent contractor, if I don’t book work, I don’t eat. Yet, at the same time, I could easily apply for a ‘normal’ job. I’ve done normal jobs. They don’t satiate my spirit. At every ‘corporate’ place of employment I have worked, something happened that pushed me away as if to tell me that […]
Las Vegas Showgirls
’63 Minutes’ – Poem with Audio
’63 minutes’ Copyright Khalilah Yasmin 2016 Frequently do I -believe that a love for me exists. That somewhere beyond the broken heart is a new first kiss. Seldom have I -experienced this, genuine chemistry and undeniable connection, throwing caution to his wind- without his protection. Maybe if I -hadn’t looked into that direction, […]