ACCESS: DENIED Social Media and People from the Past… Accessibility doesn’t equate to access. Yet, many of us have found ourselves living in that 2nd dimension known as the INTERNET which can be a dangerous place if you’re not careful. Posting locations, plans, relationships…  

“Vegas Creatives”- Reality Series

In Episode 1 of The Sam Dever Reality Series, Dever alongside fellow “Vegas Creatives” Shane Allen, Khalilah Yasmin and his brother Matt journey throughout The Cosmopolitan on the Las Vegas Strip.  

“Aflame.. in A Sharp”- Poem

“Aflame…in A Sharp” A# © Khalilah Yasmin 2014 Fear not deep waters or steep heights, for passion is all of these things; whether you drown or free fall.  

CONSISTENCY is URGENT like a mutha phu…

Consistency and Character con·sist·en·cy [kuhn-sis-tuhn-see] noun, plural con·sist·en·cies. 1. a degree of density, firmness, viscosity, etc.: The liquid has the consistency of cream.