Music is the one thing that transcends all boundaries. Rhythmic Love. Harmonic Romance. Music doesn’t care what color your skin is, how much money you make, or who you think you are. When music decides to move you… it will, whether you want it or not. And let’s be honest, we all are here to […]


As an independent contractor, if I don’t book work, I don’t eat. Yet, at the same time, I could easily apply for a ‘normal’ job. I’ve done normal jobs. They don’t satiate my spirit. At every ‘corporate’ place of employment I have worked, something happened that pushed me away as if to tell me that […]

Las Vegas Showgirls

Hello. Story time! Many years ago when I lived in Nebraska, I was a front desk administrative assistant at Omaha Steaks in  working under one of the Simons. There was a vibrant older lady that came in to work and would speak to me every day. She wore the flashiest sweaters and outfits you have […]

’63 Minutes’ – Poem with Audio

    ’63 minutes’ Copyright Khalilah Yasmin 2016 Frequently do I -believe that a love for me exists. That somewhere beyond the broken heart is a new first kiss. Seldom have I -experienced this, genuine chemistry and undeniable connection, throwing caution to his wind- without his protection. Maybe if I -hadn’t looked into that direction, […]